-innoextract/src/setup/header.cpp:383:11: warning: 'data' should be used for accessing the data pointer instead of taking the address of the 0-th element [readability-container-data-pointer] -innoextract/src/setup/header.cpp:689:12: warning: 'data' should be used for accessing the data pointer instead of taking the address of the 0-th element [readability-container-data-pointer] -innoextract/src/setup/header.cpp:694:12: warning: 'data' should be used for accessing the data pointer instead of taking the address of the 0-th element [readability-container-data-pointer] -innoextract/src/setup/header.cpp:699:12: warning: 'data' should be used for accessing the data pointer instead of taking the address of the 0-th element [readability-container-data-pointer] -innoextract/src/setup/icon.cpp:64:11: warning: 'data' should be used for accessing the data pointer instead of taking the address of the 0-th element [readability-container-data-pointer]