Installation Instructions
This page lists installation instructions for innoextract
on various Linux distributions. It is not meant to be complete - please also check the main page if your distro is not listed here.
To buildinnoextract
from source you will need
- a working C++ compiler
- CMake 2.8 or newer
- Boost 1.37 or newer, with zlib and bzip2 support and including development headers
- liblzma from xz-utils, including development headers (technically optional, but required to extract most installers)
- iconv (optional, either as part of the system libc, as is the case with glibc and uClibc, or as a separate libiconv)
Under apt-based systems like Ubuntu these can be unstalled using
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libboost-all-dev liblzma-dev
and then proceed with the normal build instructions in the README file. This is not needed when installing the binary packaged as described in the previous sections, only when building from source yourself.
If you don't want to compile innoextract
yourself, follow the instructions below:
Arch Linux
For Arch Linux the innoextract
package is available in the community repository and can be installed with pacman:
# pacman -S innoextract
First, install chaser
and base-devel
if you don't have it already:
# pacman -S chaser base-devel
Then install innoextract
from the CCR:
# chaser innoextract
Users of Debian 7 or newer can just install the innoextract
package from the distribution repositories:
# apt-get install innoextract
Updated innoextract
packages are available in the home:dscharrer
project on the openSUSE build service. You can add the repository by appending the following to your /etc/apt/sources.lst
deb http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:dscharrer/Debian_7.0/ /
To download packages from the repository you will need to install its gpg key:
$ wget http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:dscharrer/Debian_7.0/Release.key
# apt-key add Release.key
Replace Debian_7.0 with your distro version as needed.
Then update the package list and install the innoextract
# apt-get update
# apt-get install innoextract
The openSUSE build service does not provide a repository for Debian source packages, but you can download the package sources from the ArxPackages git repository.
Users of Fedora 24 or newer can simply install innoextract
from the distribution repositories:
# dnf install innoextract
Updated innoextract
packages are available in the home:dscharrer
project on the openSUSE build service. You can add the repository for Fedora Rawhide using:
# dnf config-manager --add-repo=http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:dscharrer/Fedora_Rawhide/home:dscharrer.repo
Replace Fedora_Rawhide with your distro version as needed.
Then install the innoextract
package using dnf
# dnf install innoextract
Or use yum-config-manager
and yum
if dnf
is not available.
FreeBSD users can build innoextract
using the ports system:
# cd /usr/ports/archivers/innoextract/
# make install clean
Alternatively, a pre-compiled innoextract
package can be installed using:
# pkg install innoextract
Gentoo Linux
The app-arch/innoextract
package is available in the arx-libertatis
# layman -a arx-libertatis
# emerge app-arch/innoextract
A live ebuild is available in the arx-libertatis
There are no pre-builtinnoextract
binaries for macOS, but you can build it yourself by following these steps:
1. Install Homebrew
- Install XCode and command-line tools from https://developer.apple.com/.
Install homebrew:
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/homebrew/go/install)"
2.a. Install innoextract from Homebrew
The simplest way to installinnoextract
is using the Homebrew package:
$ brew update
$ brew install innoextract
2.b. Compile innoextract manually
Alternatively you can download the source code and compile it manually:-
Install dependencies:
$ brew update
$ brew install boost
$ brew install cmake
$ brew install xz
Compile and install innoextract.
Inside the
source code directory, run:
$ mkdir -p build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ sudo make install
To install innoextract
on Mageia, make sure you have the ''Core Release'' repository enabled. Then select the innoextract package in the package manager and install it.
Alternatively, you can install it from terminal with the following command (you need to be root):
# urpmi innoextract
Users of NetBSD 6.0 or newer can use the following command to install innoextract
# pkg_add innoextract
NixOS users can use the following command to install innoextract
$ nix-env -iA nixos.pkgs.innoextract
Users of OpenBSD 5.7 or newer can use the following command to install innoextract
# pkg_add innoextract
packages for openSUSE Leap 42.1 or newer are available in the distribution repositiories and can be installed from the package manager:
- Install innoextract on openSUSE Leap 42.1 `innoextract` package
- Install innoextract on openSUSE Leap 42.2 `innoextract` package
- Install innoextract on openSUSE Leap 42.3 `innoextract` package
- Install innoextract on openSUSE Leap 15.0 `innoextract` package
- Install innoextract on openSUSE Leap 15.1 `innoextract` package
- Install innoextract on openSUSE Leap 15.2 `innoextract` package
- Install innoextract on openSUSE Tumbleweed `innoextract` package
packages for other openSUSE versions are available in the Archiving
project on the openSUSE build service with one click install links and manual instructions on the downloads page:
- Install innoextract on openSUSE Leap 15.1 `innoextract` package
- Install innoextract on openSUSE Leap 15.2 `innoextract` package
- Install innoextract on openSUSE Factory `innoextract` package
- Install innoextract on openSUSE Factory ARM `innoextract` package
- Install innoextract on openSUSE Factory PowerPC `innoextract` package
- Install innoextract on openSUSE Factory zSystems `innoextract` package
There is also an innoextract
package available in the home:dscharrer
project which may provide newer versions.
Users of Ubuntu 13.04 "Raring" or newer (or 12.10 "Quantal" if support for newer Inno Setup versions is not needed) can simply click the link below:
- Install innoextract on Ubuntu `innoextract` package
Alternatively, manually install the innoextract
package from the distribution repositories:
$ sudo apt-get install innoextract
Updated innoextract
packages are available in the arx/release
PPA. To use it, first fetch its key and add the PPA to your package sources:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:arx/release
Now tell Ubuntu to get the latest list of software from each archive it knows, including the PPA:
$ sudo apt-get update
Finally, install the innoextract
$ sudo apt-get install innoextract
There are also instructions on the ubuntuusers.de wiki (German).
Windows (Chocolatey)
The innoextract
binaries can be installed and kept up to date using the Chocolatey package manager for Windows. After installing Chocolatey, you can add the innoextract
package using:
> choco install innoextract
To later update the package, use:
> choco upgrade innoextract